Repeat Self Assessment & One Month Program


  • You wish to REPEAT the SELF ASSESSMENT and complete the ONE MONTH PROGRAM
  • An online self-assessment and personalised report
  • The self-assessment may take between 30 minutes and 3 hours depending on the detail that the leader chooses to provide.
  • Each leader will receive a personalised report including all their responses and Life Area scores.
  • 1 month of one-on-one online coaching. Includes a one-hour online coaching session
  • An ongoing subscription to Capable and Resilience Insights
Tax Deductibility – In most countries, our online self-assessment and our tailored one-on-one coaching is tax deductible.
Please consult with your financial professional regarding your own circumstances.

Our 10 Life Areas, include:

Health & Wellness
Health relates to physical health. Wellness relates to mental health.
Personal Relationship
Personal Relationship is an intimate relationship with your spouse / partner; your dating relationship/s; or your current circumstances.
Family & Friends
Family relates to your immediate or extended family and/or relations. Family also includes your pets. Friends are non-relations who you choose to spend time with.
Employment may be your career or work as an employee or as a business owner. It relates to your primary source/s of earned income.
Community relates to contributions, time and other resources that you give freely to support others with no expectation of financial or other materialistic gain.
Sport, Recreation & Hobbies
Sport, Recreation & Hobbies relates to activities that you choose to do in your free time for personal enjoyment.
Travel relates to time spent away from your principle place of residence. This may include to other areas of your city, within your state or country or internationally.
Values, Beliefs & Faith
Values, Beliefs & Faith relates to your personal values, your personal beliefs and your personal faith. It includes your religion or the absence of a religion in your life.
Finances relates to your income, expenses, assets, liabilities and equity. It includes insurances, credit cards, superannuation (retirement savings plan), budgeting and your will.
Education & Personal Development
Education & Personal Development includes formal education, obtaining skills and/or competencies and self-paced learning. It also includes your life experiences.
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Sandringham, Victoria, Australia
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