How do we know about Capable and Resilient Leaders?

Andrew Montgomery is a director of ADJM Consulting Pty Ltd, a leadership and management consulting firm and the founder of Capable and Resilient Leaders.

Andrew’s diverse life experiences have enabled him to develop broad capabilities and resilience.

However, it is not until you combine Andrew’s capabilities and resilience with his decades of facilitation, collaborative questioning and coaching experience, as well as his passion and desire for everyone to be at their best, that you realise that Andrew is perfectly placed to help every leader maximise their own capabilities and resilience.

We believe that it is this unique combination of capabilities, life experience and enthusiasm that clearly differentiates Capable and Resilient Leaders in the market.


A selection of Andrew’s capabilities and life experience, across our 10 Life Areas, that provide him with an ideal background to work with and coach your leaders, include:

Health & Wellness
  • experiencing an unexpected personal health diagnosis in his 30’s requiring specialist medical intervention
Personal Relationship
  • navigating a divorce and moving forward with my personal life
Family & Friends
  • being a father to three daughters
  • experiencing some extreme highs and lows whilst growing up and attending government schools in suburban Melbourne
  • a 25-year career in an ASX listed global organisation including being a global Vice President
  • leadership of organisations and teams in OH&S, supply chain management and operations
  • taking 6 months paternity leave after the birth of his third daughter
  • decades of experience in the development, facilitation and coaching of values, principles and culture as well as behavioural based safety, leadership and communication programs
  • experiencing team and organisational culture and diversity at its best and at its worst
  • experiencing, managing and leveraging a mid-life career change
  • establishing a leadership and management consulting company
  • working and consulting into the steel, building and construction, manufacturing, mining, food and beverage, health, packaging, recycling, agroforestry and sport industries in Australasia, Asia, Europe, Africa and North and South America
  • establishing Capable and Resilient Leaders
  • volunteering at his daughter's school, sporting clubs, at church and for agroforestry charities in Uganda
  • endorsed House of Representatives candidate for the 2025 Australian Federal Election in the seat of Goldstein
Sport, Recreation & Hobbies
  • 16x Ironman finisher including the 2019 Ironman World Championship in Hawaii
  • Assistant Coach Melbourne Tigers U/20 men's basketball team - winners of 8 State and 4 National championships
  • swam the English Channel in July 2023 and August 2024
  • has travelled to all 7 continents
Values, Beliefs & Faith
  • was exposed to a faith, largely ignored it for several decades and then found it again
  • independently purchased his first residential property at 19 years of age
  • a senior partner of a Gippsland-based private equity agroforestry business
  • a co-owner of a Melbourne-based residential property group
Education & Personal Development
  • Bachelor of Metallurgical Engineering with First Class Honours (RMIT)
  • Graduate Certificate in Logistics (University of Wollongong)
  • Executive Essentials (Melbourne Business School)
  • various Kepner Tregoe and Oliver Wight programs

Andrew has a genuine desire for everyone to be at their best, and to continue to be at their best, no matter what challenges come their way!

Start your own Capable and Resilient Leaders journey today by completing our online self-assessment.

Sandringham, Victoria, Australia
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