Work impacts life and life impacts work

If you want the best outcomes for your organisation you need the best leaders.

A leader who is self-aware, capable and resilient in life is much more likely to be a self-aware, capable and resilient leader in your organisation.

A leader who has diverse life experiences and capabilities is much more likely to be an effective team leader who can deliver business outcomes for your organisation.

Your resilience

In life, it is inevitable that we will be confronted with many difficult or challenging situations that will test our resilience.

Those who are highly capable and resilient will be best placed to not only manage and recover from these situations but to continue to be at their best.

What are your current capabilities? What will you do to build your capabilities and your resilience in preparation for your next difficult or challenging situation?

We Assess

Capabilities across our 10 Life Areas via an inexpensive online self-assessment

We Coach

To acknowledge strengths and to build capability across our 10 Life Areas

We Build Leaders

Who are broadly self-aware, capable and resilient and who deliver outcomes
Health & Wellness
Health relates to physical health. Wellness relates to mental health.
Personal Relationship
Personal Relationship is an intimate relationship with your spouse / partner; your dating relationship/s; or your current circumstances.
Family & Friends
Family relates to your immediate or extended family and/or relations. Family also includes your pets. Friends are non-relations who you choose to spend time with.
Employment may be your career or work as an employee or as a business owner. It relates to your primary source/s of earned income.
Community relates to contributions, time and other resources that you give freely to support others with no expectation of financial or other materialistic gain.
Sport, Recreation & Hobbies
Sport, Recreation & Hobbies relates to activities that you choose to do in your free time for personal enjoyment.
Travel relates to time spent away from your principle place of residence. This may include to other areas of your city, within your state or country or internationally.
Values, Beliefs & Faith
Values, Beliefs & Faith relates to your personal values, your personal beliefs and your personal faith. It includes your religion or the absence of a religion in your life.
Finances relates to your income, expenses, assets, liabilities and equity. It includes insurances, credit cards, superannuation (retirement savings plan), budgeting and your will.
Education & Personal Development
Education & Personal Development includes formal education, obtaining skills and/or competencies and self-paced learning. It also includes your life experiences.
Work impacts life and life impacts work
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Capable and Resilient Leaders Model
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Capable and Resilient Leaders - We Assess, We Coach, We Build Leaders
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The benefits of having Capable and Resilient Leaders in your organisation
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The benefits of having Capable and Resilient Leaders in your organisation

Improved wellness
An improved leadership mindset
Maximising individual (and team) potential and performance
Optimised decision making
Employee engagement and satisfaction
Reduced employee-driven remuneration pressures
Employee retention
Optimised succession planning
All of which lead to better business outcomes for your organisation.
Andrew Montgomery is a director of ADJM Consulting Pty Ltd, a leadership and management consulting firm and the founder of Capable and Resilient Leaders. Andrew’s diverse life experiences have enabled him to develop broad capabilities and resilience.

Some of our Capable and Resilient Leaders

I had never taken the time to reflect and consider my life from a wholistic perspective. I learned so much about what I am good at and what I could improve – much of which I was blind to until the self-assessment prompted me to consider it. I thoroughly recommend completing the online self-assessment – you will learn a lot about yourself.

Community Leader and Volunteer

I have known Andrew and worked with him on many projects over 15 years. I have benefitted greatly from his balanced leadership. Andrew has a highly developed approach to life and critically what sets him apart is his high capability across all Life Areas. This is a key to leadership; how can one lead others in a Life Area and be personally without capability or out of control in others?

Dr Steven Enticott
Senior Partner, CIA Tax

Having strong and resilient leaders is more critical than ever with the current global pandemic. Andrew has both the life experience and skills from his corporate career and his exploits in the sporting world to impart this knowledge in a real and meaningful way. The only question is can you not afford to provide your most valuable assets with these essential tools?

Australian Agribusiness

The online self-assessment enabled me to get a better understanding of my personal strengths and my opportunities for self-improvement. Andrew’s coaching has allowed me to implement strategies and techniques to improve my targeted Life Areas. I have seen positive impacts flow to all areas of my life.

Risk Management, Resource Sector

Andrew is always so positive and encouraging. I feel that he always has my best interests at heart. Andrew’s encouragement and coaching has helped me overcome my fears and apprehensions to help me reach my potential.

Sandringham, Victoria, Australia
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