Capable and Resilient Leaders Model

In identifying the most effective leaders that I have experienced across my thirty-year career; they all have one thing in common – they are highly capable in most areas of life and they have very few areas, if any, where they are without capability. That is, the most effective leaders have diverse experiences and successes and they have obtained personal balance across life.

The Capable and Resilient Leaders Model is based on the premise that effective leadership and success does not come by being highly capable in only one, two or maybe three areas; it comes by being capable to highly capable in most areas.

The Model ensures that a leader who is highly capable in a Life Area has this strength acknowledged and the opportunity to sustain and potentially build further capability provided.

Likewise, areas of limited capability are identified, with the leader then able to take action to improve capability in these areas.

Of course, individually, we may place different emphasis and priority across the 10 Life Areas, however, the base premise always holds true, that effective leadership comes by being capable to highly capable in most Life Areas.

These diverse examples of building capability (and resilience) give the leader and the organisation confidence that when difficulties or new challenges arise, they will not only be able to recover but they will be able to continue to deliver superior performance.

We can be your trusted partner to provide your leaders with an online self-assessment and optional one-on-one coaching that will help your leaders maximise their capabilities and resilience; not only at work but in all areas of their life.

Our Model

Work impacts life and life impacts work
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Capable and Resilient Leaders - We Assess, We Coach, We Build Leaders
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The benefits of having Capable and Resilient Leaders in your organisation
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Sandringham, Victoria, Australia
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